› added 4 years ago


TIL of the Trans Europe Foot Race where in the 2012 event competitors raced from Italy to Norway. German Peter Partel won with a time of 14 days and 18 hours to complete the 4175 km (2594 mile) course, averaging 283 km (176 miles) per day

PYAdG TIL the Great Pyramid at Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders and the only one still standing today. The Colossus of Rhodes, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus were destroyed. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is still unknown.
VBMym TIL that there is a scientific basis s for “Mom Eyes”: women are better at remembering where things are.
nWmyW TIL Roman toilets were life-threatening. Creatures would come up and bite, wiping was done with a shared stick with a sponge (never cleaned) and there was so much methane that the toilets exploded. So many people died, they tried to use magic spells to keep demons away. (NSFW)?
rR61W TIL about Radithor, radioactive water sold as medicine. It was owned and produced by a college dropout, who marketed it as "A Cure for the Living Dead" and "Perpetual Sunshine". It notably killed a man in 1932, who was buried in a lead coffin, and was still highly radioactive when exhumed in 1965.
BgaLd TIL about the importance of properly poured beer. A 0.5-1 inch head (foam) releases the aromas and helps the beer to stay carbonated. Also, you can tell if the glass is dirty, because the bubbles will stick to dirt.