› added 7 years ago


TIL There is a poem called “The Lost Generation” by Jonathan Reed that when read one way speaks negatively about a generation and when read backwards has the exact opposite effect.

Z8m84 TIL about the fastest animal on earth relative to size, the mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis, whose prey is so fast scientists don't even know what they are, even with the help of high-speed cameras.
V61B TIL that Woody Allen’s Oscar-winning script, “Midnight in Paris,” began as just a title he liked for a film. So, rather than coming up with a title for a written film, he wrote the film only after coming up with the title; it took several months for the film’s idea to come to him and fit the title.
W1oL TIL the RMS Empress of Ireland had a cat named Emmy who never missed a voyage until May 28, 1914 when Emmy refused to go aboard. The ship left without her and sunk the next day.
kJvPm TIL of Jack, a baboon who acted as an assistant to a disabled railway signalman in the 1800s. Trained to push a wheelchair and operate the railway signals under supervision, the baboon got 20 cents a day, and half a bottle of beer each week. Apparently, he never made a mistake in 9 years of service.
LBpZ TIL a homeless man was found decapitated with a severed chicken head shoved in his neck. An occult detective predicted that the Santeria cult took his head to make a brain stew, and that they would return the head in 42 days. She was taken off the case, and the head showed up 42 days later.