› added 8 years ago


TIL in 2014 Hot Pockets issued a major recall after the meat in their product was found to have been processed using diseased or unfit animals. The USDA wrote the products were “unfit for human food”.

9Z1m TIL that the NFL cannot host games on Fridays or Saturdays until late December as federal law prohibits professional football leagues from competing with college or high school football, which typically host games on those days.
l7NYV TIL of the Boynton Bicycle Railroad. It was a monorail with two vertically aligned rails(one wooden), double decker passenger cars, propelled by steam engines that ran for two years in the 1890s in Brooklyn, New York.
PYokO TIL Salvador Dali would hold a key or a spoon in his hand with a tin plate on the floor. If he drifted asleep, the key for spoon would fall and hit the plate waking him up. This is how he was able to create his paintings; while staying awake and being in a quasi-dream state of mind
W7yld TIL of Mary Tofts who successfully tricked doctors into believing that she had given birth to rabbits. OK, the year was 1726, and it was in the darker regions of England, but even the surgeon to the Royal Household of King George I fell for it. Nonetheless, rabbit stew was off most tables for a time
YpAmB TIL That Chinese 20 something superstar vlogger described as a “cute goddess” by China’s Global Times and is “worshipped” on the Douyu platform by her 100,000 followers, is not the glamorous young woman in the videos but actually a 58yr old using filters.