› added 8 years ago


TIL That in 1941, Willamette University’s football team played a game at the University of Hawaii on December 6th for the post season. The following day, December 7th, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The team was conscripted into the Army to help fight a possible Japanese invasion of the island.

geK9 TIL in the 1980’s, a one letter typo cost the Yellow Pages $10 million when they misprinted a travel agency’s advertisement for ‘exotic vacations" as “erotic vacations”
nAD7 TIL in 1995, McDonald’s asked Greenpeace activists to stop criticizing their company publicly and instead do it only in private with their friends. Activists said they’d agree if McDonald’s stopped advertising its products and instead only recommended their restaurants privately to friends.
DnYg TIL the managing editor of Huffington Post Canada shoved vodka-soaked tampons up her vagina to kill the urban legend only to be greeted by a comment telling her she used the wrong hole, nullifying her findings
erPg TIL that Nikola Tesla predicted in 1926 that one day “We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance… we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face” through devices able to fit into a vest pocket.
vJvB TIL at the 2000 Sydney Games, the stock of 70,000 condoms was not enough for the athletes, prompting a second order of 20,000 additionally. Since then, a standing order of 100,000 condoms has to be made per Olympics to accommodate all the sex that occurs at the Olympic Village during the downtime.