› added 1 month ago


TIL: Squirrels gather nuts and seeds during the fall and bury them in the ground or hide them in their nests over a large area (scatterhoarding), and often forget them, resulting in new trees (mutualism). In winter, they eat them after finding the buried nuts.

QN8rE TIL that in 1971–1972 the Indonesian New Order government launched "Operasi Koteka" ("Operation Penis Gourd") to encourage the Papuan people to wear shorts and shirts because such clothes were considered more "modern" compared to their traditional Koteka, which is a penis sheath.
XB96 TIL A letter was sent to Martin Luther King, sounding as if coming from a disappointed admirer, urging King to kill himself or risk evidence of adultery being leaked. King believed it was from the FBI. The Senate’s Church Committee on intelligence overreach confirmed King’s suspicion.
mx1Np TIL One of the most famous cartographic errors in history showed the Island of California separated from mainland N. America by the Gulf of California
N7AMe TIL that Hanns Scharff, a German Luftwaffe interrogator, used kindness and subterfuge to interrogate his charges. Hans created a bond with captured Allied pilots. His stratagem was subtle and calculated, and he never resorted to hurting any of the people with whom he came into contact
ro0M TIL Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception, among other films does not use a cell phone or an e-mail because he’s just “not interested”, it gives him “time to think”, and he also prohibits them on the set of a movie