› added 1 year ago


TIL that there's a side effect of certain opioids called Opioid induced hyperalgesia that can cause someone who uses opioids chronically/addictively to be more sensitive to other painful stimuli

Y6mW TIL the Lobsters we eat are generally really young and thus only a fraction of the size they grow to be in the wild. Older/Larger Lobsters are thought to be less tasty, and are a species that mates more prolifically with each year, making killing a 100+ yo behemoth a conservation issue.
jNARQ TIL of Thad Roberts, a former NASA intern who spent 6 years in prison for stealing 17 lbs of moon rocks. He wanted to ‘give the moon’ to a girl he liked, so they stole the rocks together, spread them across his bed, had sex on top of them, and then tried to sell them online to undercover FBI agents
PY0Jg TIL DNA testing showed Subway Sandwiches' chicken was only 50% meat, the rest was soy. The testing was done at a University forensic lab. Subway vehemently denied the data.
MeldV TIL: Many Native Americans consider the national holiday of Thanksgiving Day as a reminder of the genocide and continued suffering of the Native American peoples. Participants in the National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today.
16Q9V TIL that Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian engineer and economist who is considered one of the pioneers of game theory, experienced a notable personal setback when his wife left him for a servant, an event that reportedly had a significant impact on his life and work