› added 1 year ago


TIL about a man named Herostratus who burned down the second Temple of Artemis at Epheseus in 356 BC to become famous. He was tortured and executed for it, and authorities in the region made mentioning his name punishable by death.

Jxr1 TIL of ‘Mangia’, an Atari 2600 video game in which a mother force feeds her son with pasta until he explodes. The boy can feed animals with the food, but if the mother sees him do so, she brings out three times as much pasta as punishment. 'Mangia’ is among the rarest video games for collectors.
dLPr TIL Matt Groening hated the Simpson’s/The Critic crossover episode “A Star is Burns”, believing that it “violates the Simpson’s universe”, and was an advertisement for The Critic. He even tried to get the episode pulled from the air, and removed his name from the credits when he failed to do so.
E1ZNo TIL A Star Wars fan has recreated the original three movie releases in high definition and without the special edition additions. This version is called the Despecialized Edition.
ADAxg TIL when during a routine appointment, Doctors suggested that jazz legend Miles Davis have a tube implanted to relieve his breathing, Davis was so outraged that he gave himself an intracerebral hemorrhage, which put him in a coma which he never came out of. Life support was turned off and he died.
rNRZx TIL about unisexual mole salamanders which are an all-female complex of salamanders that 'steal' sperm from up to five different species of salamanders in the genus Ambystoma and recombine it to produce female hybrid offspring. This method of reproduction is called kleptogenesis.