› added 2 years ago


TIL Aristotle's History of Animals contains several facts that were deemed fantasy until the 19th century. Such observations include octopuses having a sperm tentacle and dogfish growing inside their mother's body. The book also has obvious errors like assuming flies have four legs.

xVLl0 TIL Japan's high schools often have strict standards of conformity regarding hair color. Half of Tokyo's schools require students whose hair is not naturally black to provide baby pictures as proof; in 2017 a Japanese student sued her school after being forced to darken her hair with dye.
bM5p TIL That owls fly silently due to specially designed edges of their primary feathers. When most birds fly, turbulence from air gushing over their wings creating noise. However, owls have their primary feathers serrated like a comb, which divides turbulence into tiny currents aka micro-turbulences.
OJAe TIL that the US aircrew that atom-bombed Nagasaki took a tour of the nuked city a month later and spoke to local Japanese …but kept who they were a secret.
lowYB TIL After crashing, a driver in German was fined for using Tesla touchscreen wiper controls, under the same rules as using a phone while driving. The German court decided touchscreen car controls should be treated as a distracting electronic device
KYJvJ TIL that Billy Idol's version of Dancing With Myself is a cover of his first band's version of the song. That band was called Generation X. The song flopped for them and did great for solo Billy. Yay MTV!