› added 11 months ago


TIL Warren Beatty and Shirley MaClain are brother-sister

R7Mmj TIL suicides nationwide increased by 10 percent after Robin Williams’ death; researchers found a convincing parallel between the increase and sensationalized coverage/headlines of his death that violated CDC guidelines, focusing on the method of death
aZpN TIL that the USSR sent so many scientists and engineers to the gulag prisons that the government set up labs for them. While workers in the ‘Sharashka’ facilities did not have to perform hard labor like other inmates, their work was published under the names of more famous Soviet scientists.
kORN4 TIL the last German troops to surrender after World War II were a group of soldiers stationed at a meteorological station on Svalbard. They lost radio contact in May 1945 and were unable to radio for support until August 1945. They were picked up by Norwegian seal hunters on September 4.
0LOM TIL that in 1589 John Stubbs was sentenced by Queen Elizabeth to have his hand severed for seditious writing, and before the axe fell, he cried out, “My calamity is at hand!” - thus becoming the only known victim of Elizabeth to incorporate a pun at his dismemberment. He then fainted.
R5lLw TIL that Robert Fulton's steamship was named North River Steamboat, and that the name it's popularly called today, Clermont, was due to an error in a biography of Fulton. No accounts of the vessel being called Clermont during Fulton's lifetime have been found.