› added 1 year ago


TIL Playboy Playmates started in Jan 1954 with a simple full page picture. The first two page centerfold was in July 1955, and the iconic three page centerfold in March 1956.

A61o TIL Charles Korsmo, the boy in Hook, Dick Tracy, What About Bob?, and Can’t Hardly Wait, quit acting, went to MIT, then got his JD from Yale and is now Assistant Professor of Law at Case Western.
9w5G6 TIL A Nashville music promoter tried to open a for-profit museum about the JFK assassination at the Dallas Texas School Book Depository building in the 1970s. Floors of the building stayed empty until the Sixth Floor Museum opened in 1989 in response to the many visitors who visit Dealey Plaza
yVOEe TIL of HMS Glowworm, a British destroyer that rammed its opponent in its final battle, the German heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper, a ship twice its length and ten times its displacement. The CO of Glowworm earned a posthumous Victoria Cross, partially on the recommendation of Admiral Hipper's captain.
mYex TIL that in 2005, PETA was putting shelter bound animals to sleep in their van before throwing them in the dumpster. Their response was that the animals they killed were “unadoptable” however most of them never even got the chance.
N765Q TIL about Dr. Chester Southam who injected live cancer cells into people with questionable ability to consent, including senile patients under long-term care. He was charged with unprofessional conduct and later went on to become President of the American Association for Cancer Research