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TIL about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta - a Catholic religous order that, despite not controlling any territory, is considered sovereign under international law and issues their own passports.

m1V5E TIL that Limpets, the little conical sea snails found all over the world, develop "Homescars", their favorite places to sit on rocks, which is a little depression etched out of the surface of the solid rock from them frequenting that location.
Br8ne TIL that, in 1954, Betty White was criticized for having Arthur Duncan, a black performer, on her show. When the show went national, affiliates from southern states complained and Betty said "I'm sorry. Live with it" and gave Duncan more airtime. The show was soon cancelled.
pYPJO TIL In 1985, Director Paul Feig won $29,000 on the game show "The $29,000 Pyramid" which allowed him to quit his day job and jumpstart a career in filmmaking
p8nDp TIL in 2007, a North Korean cargo vessel was captured by Somali pirates. Its distress signal was responded to by a nearby US destroyer, which provided medical assistance to injured NK sailors who were able to retake the vessel. It led to an unprecedented statement of gratitude by North Korean media.
gMpQ8 TIL air conditioning is not popular in Europe. Only 5% of French homes are air-conditioned, 2% of German homes. Many travel sites include horror stories from Europeans describing how "unpleasant the United States is with its artificial cold, and reports of legions of Europeans who return ill."