› added 6 years ago


TIL that there is a Native American tribe of ultra runners known as the Rarámuri. They can run 200 miles non-stop, and play running games that can go on for up to two days without breaks. They use the toe strike method of running instead of the traditional heel-strike.

LpEV TIL a sociopathic 10 year old girl killed two boys. One of the crime scenes was described by the inspector as “There was a terrible playfulness about it…and somehow the playfulness of it made it more, rather than less, terrifying”. She was convicted and then released at the age of 23.
RO09 TIL that a group of ecologists, chefs, and diners are campaigning to eat lionfish, a fish decimating the native ecosystems and thought to be responsible for a drop in the biomass of native reef fish species by an average of 65 percent
8arDZ TIL that Decision theory is the study of an agent's choices. Decision theory can be broken into two branches: normative decision theory, which analyzes the outcomes of decisions or determines the optimal decisions given constraints and assumptions.
M7eg0 TIL there was a french guy named Tarrare who was known for having a insatiable hunger, so much so that he would eat live cats, fight dogs over hospital trash, and even be able to eat his own weight worth of food. He also was able to swallow whole snakes and eels without chewing.
x6aDw TIL That Australian University developed World's first Bionic Eye to fully restore the vision of blind people.