› added 4 years ago


TIL that Eunice Shriver Kennedy, JFKs older sister, founded an athletics camp in 1962 for children with intellectual disabilities. The camp would go on to evolve into the Special Olympics.

76Zx TIL Richie Ashburn hit a foul ball into the stands that struck spectator Alice Roth, breaking her nose. When play resumed Ashburn fouled off another ball that struck her while she was being carried off in a stretcher.
PJ7G TIL that US Marine John Kelly was the last person to be awarded 2 Medals of Honor. He ran 100 yards in advance of the front line and attacked an enemy machine gun nest, killed the gunner with a grenade, shot another man with his pistol, and returned with 8 prisoners. He was 19.
Meb67 TIL this yellow-pigmented male northern cardinal is most likely a genetic mutation that renders the pigments the bird draws from foods making it appear with yellow coloration rather than red. This is called xanthochromism; in addition to cardinals, it has also been seen in rose-breasted grosbeaks.
4XykN TIL The common characteristics of Prader-Willi syndrome include small hands and feet, abnormal growth and body composition (small stature, very low lean body mass, and early-onset childhood obesity), hypotonia (weak muscles) at birth, insatiable hunger, extreme obesity, and intellectual disability
9bgD TIL in France, it is illegal for grocery stores to throw away edible food. Stores must donate edible, unused food to charity or facilities that process it into animal feed or compost.