› added 7 years ago


TIL in 1988, a retired police officer found Cyril Smith, British MP with 144 accusations of child molestation and abuse, in a home with a sex offender and two drunk teenage boys. He was threatened to be prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. Nothing happened.

KlWa TIL A man convicted of manslaughter, while drunk driving, settled out of court with the victim’s family for $936 to be paid $1 at a time to remind him what he had done to their daughter.
kO9aB TIL the Incas referred to their civilization as “The Four Regions”. Despite lacking a writing system, livestock, wheel technology and currency, they covered more territory than any other pre-Colombian society.
E1DXX TIL in 1989 a retired nurse was asked to give her real life testimony about her home accident for a commercial. When they asked her to repeat exactly what she said during the accident, she shouted “I’ve fallen… and I can’t get up.”
Jbd1 TIL In 1967, a fighter pilot purposely flew through enemy air defenses to make enemy aircraft leave him alone, then flew his damaged aircraft back into combat and destroyed two missile sites defending a target. Allowing 70 of the 72 other friendly aircraft to survive the mission.
OGPW7 TIL the once-tasty "red delicious" type of apple is now recognized as having declined sharply in quality. Supermarkets wanted to apple to last longer, but the best tasting juicy apples often go bad more quickly. Selective breeding practices changed the red delicious into a more solid & shiny apple.