› added 8 years ago


TIL the main component of education in Turkmenistan has been almost completely replaced by memorization of the “Ruhnama”, the president’s personal autobiography. An engineer reported that all his son learns is passages. “He has begun telling me off because he has memorised more of the book than me.”

Zp5Bv TIL Van Halen’s apparent frivolous request of a jar of M&Ms with no brown ones was actually a warning signal to see if the stagehands had been paying attention to each detail of the written contract to ensure the safety of the band, crew and audience
D1AKP TIL future U.S. President Franklin Pierce grew homesick while at school in another town and walked 12 miles (19 km) back to his home. His father fed him dinner, drove him part of the distance back to school, then ordered him to walk the rest of the way in a thunderstorm.
54Yn TIL Len’s iconic 90s music video for “Steal My Sunshine” came about after the band decided to spend their entire $100,000 music video budget on alcohol and partying in Florida during Spring Break, without a storyboard or plan.
xVdn0 TIL about 'The Uncensored Library', a Minecraft map that allows journalists in countries with strict press laws to share materials with a worldwide audience. The articles from these journalists are presented inside craftable books.
ZLkG TIL: Americans aged 18-29 estimate that 30% of the population identifies as gay. Those aged 65+ assume it’s 20%. Those with a Masters or Doctorate assume it’s 15%. The true percentage is 3.8% identifying as gay.