› added 7 years ago


TIL of Nzinga, a 17th century queen in Angola who had a harem of men that had to fight to be with her and were put to death after a night of pleasure

oBQgR TIL First contemporary study to debunk the myth, that homosexuality is a mental disorder, dates back to 1956. Evelyn Hooker's experiment paired a sample of 30 heterosexual men and 30 homosexual men on equivalent IQ, age, and education, finding no correlation between homosexuality and mental illness
5VwL8 TIL: The term "pathetic fallacy" (meaning the personification of nature) was not created as an insult. Coined in 1856, at the time "pathetic" meant "of emotion" and "fallacy" meant "falseness". The intended meaning was thus "emotional falseness", i.e emotions creating false perceptions.
LQpx9 TIL the Canadian tuxedo refers to a denim double breasted jacket and matching jeans created by Levi's for Bing Crosby. Levi's was inspired in 1951 when Crosby was nearly escorted off a hotel's premises during a hunting trip in Canada because he and his hunting buddies were wearing denim
W71Xo TIL of Rupert Trimmingham, a Black US soldier serving in WW2 who in 1944 wrote a letter to an Army-run magazine about being refused service in a Louisiana restaurant while German PoWs were served inside, sparking support from other soldiers and contributing to the 1948 integration of the US military
Z6LQ TIL a Roman politician and over 300 of his supporters were beaten to death with clubs by the Roman Senate for trying to redistribute land to the poor that was illegally acquired by the wealthy land owners.