› added 7 years ago


TIL that the Tijuana International Airport in Mexico lies along the U.S. border and even includes a terminal on the U.S. side, making it the only airport to have terminals in two countries.

6QYl TIL that late at night, when astronomer Harlow Shapley discovered our sun was not near the center of the Milky Way, he found the only other person in the building, a cleaning lady, and explained his discovery, and said that they were the only two people on Earth that understood it.
wLgQW TIL that the Black Crowes album "Amorica" featured a controversial album cover taken from an iconic Hustler magazine cover that showed pubic hair sticking out of an American flag string bikini. It was banned, and a new cover was issued blacking out all but the flag bikini.
N7n18 TIL Himalayan cliff bees in Nepal produce hallucinogenic honey know as "Mad Honey" and it's effects are comparable to magic mushrooms and LSD.
Wk9AL TIL when Stanley Kubrick asked Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters to use elements of the Atom Heart Mother suite, Waters refused because Kubrick wanted to cut the piece to fit the film. Later, when Waters asked Kubrick if he could use sounds from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kubrick duly refused.
5YBbn TIL the Beastie Boys were immensely sexist and homophobic in their early career. However, upon hearing criticism of this, they apologized for it multiple times(one of them through a song) since and, while not listed in article, have been activists for social causes and battling bigotry.