› added 3 years ago


TIL Paul McCartney wrote the melody to the song "Yesterday" before the lyrics. He used placeholder lyrics for the song, titled "Scrambled Eggs" instead: "Scrambled eggs/Oh my baby how I love your legs/Not as much as I love scrambled eggs".

8gmK TIL that the Infinite Monkey Theorem, stating that monkeys with typewriters and enough time could produce the entire works of Shakespeare, has been tried out in real life. They wrote five pages of S, slammed the keyboard with a stone and took a shit on it.
dka7 TIL in 2002, while returning to the US, the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier stopped in Australia, where the sailors wore out the local sex workers to the point the brothel had to close down temporarily.
16MxD TIL of Paladin Press which was a book publishing firm founded in 1970 by Peder Lund and Robert K. Brown. Titles include : "Modern Ballistic Armor: What you need to know" , "Ninja Mind Control" and reprints of military manuals. The company witnessed several lawsuits, including some murders.
lo81G TIL about Priceville. A small community founded in the 1800s by African-Americans not far north from what is now Toronto. It was mysteriously emptied of its black residents, its cemetery bulldozed, and the records of interracial marriages that occured there covered up.
RJ58 TIL Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday by shining a spotlight on his house, blasting a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, firing his pistol, and leaving an elk’s heart at the front door, while Nicholson and his two daughters hid in the basement.