› added 3 years ago


TIL that Toxoplasmosis, a parasite affecting cats and mice, removes mice fear of cats. This allows the mice to be eaten by cats, thus transmitting the parasite to the cat and completing its life cycle.

6dA8 TIL Young St. Bernard dogs learn how to rescue lost travelers through modeling the behavior of older dogs. They do not receive any special training, and the dogs decide for themselves if they will specialize in staying with the victim or going to seek help.
69Wjm TIL The box that shows the score/time on screen during sports games was first used in England in 1992. The US started using it during the 1994 FIFA World Cup and it's been a fixture ever since. Before then, the score and time was only shown on screen sporadically.
e0ek5 TIL: During WW2 black U.S soldiers stationed in England were drinking in a pub with local people when U.S Military police arrived to stop them getting served and arrest them for not segregating. The white local people in the pub defended the black men, which eventually led to a riot and gunshots.
JYa5B TIL that your anus and rectum are lined by the same type of tissue as your mouth, which explains why your poop can burn
1a7k4 TIL A printer's devil was an apprentice in a printing establishment who performed a number of tasks such as mixing ink and fetching type. Many notable men served as printer's devils in their youth,including Ambrose Bierce, Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain and John Kellogg