› added 6 years ago


TIL of Stoffel—a Honey Badger in a South African wildlife center who’s escaped his enclosure twice to fight the lions in the exhibit beside his, built towers out of rocks and sticks to climb over his wall, and, when introduced with a mate, stood on her head to unlock the gate and get out once again.

gMEm4 TIL extremely high taxes ($5.85/pack) have made New York City the cigarette smuggling capital of America. 57% of cigarettes consumed are smuggled, usually from Virginia or North Carolina
yNQp TIL that a British soldier who fought in both World Wars was shot in the face, head, ankle, leg, hip and ear, survived a plane crash, tunnelled out of a POW camp, and bit off his own fingers when a doctor wouldn’t amputate them. He later said “frankly I had enjoyed the war.”
NXBNM TIL, in 2004, Piazza San Marco was closed for a major feature film premiere for the first time, as part of the Venice Film Festival. It screened the premiere of DreamWorks' Shark Tale.
xv6w TIL that Bradbury wrote the entire novel “Fahrenheit 451” in the basement of UCLA’s Powell Library on a pay typewriter that he rented for a fee of ten cents per half an hour. It took him only 9,80$ and 9days.
yQrve TIL white-crested helmetshrikes (Prionops plumatus) are native to sub-Saharan Africa. They build their nests collectively with bits of bark stripped off of trees binding them together with spider webs.The birds acquire these webs by flying through spider webs using their flared crests as collectors.