› added 5 years ago


TIL that Disney uses lime green to represent unfathomable evil. This can been seen in movies such as Maleficent, Lion King, Hercules and more...

gMVkb TIL that in 2019 a U.S. Navy spokesman, confirmed to TIME magazine that three specific widely-shared videos were real and captured 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena', resulting in investigations.
e0jL6 TIL that in the novel “No Country for Old Men,” set in 1980, Sheriff Bell refers to dope dealers who “shot and killed a federal judge” in San Antonio. The film version stars Woody Harrelson, whose father was the real-life contract killer convicted of that murder in 1979.
GYdLQ TIL the main cause of "soft errors" in computer memory is cosmic rays. Systems buried in caves have a negligible rate of cosmic-ray induced soft errors; computers on mountains have a far higher error rate than at sea level; and the rate of errors in aircraft can be over 300 times the sea level rate
0dvjL TIL when the Cleveland Museum of Art's enlarged casting of Rodin's "The Thinker" was blown up in 1970, the base and feet were completely destroyed and it left a "plume of bronze escaping from its base." The museum put the statue back on display and a plaque was added to note the damage.
V5x0 TIL 3 big game hunters, inspired in part by Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game,” invented Paintball, “a game where they would stalk and hunt each other— to recreate the same adrenaline rush from hunting animals”