› added 5 years ago


TIL Covert consciousness "is consciousness that cannot be detected by bedside examination. Studies . . . suggest that approximately 10 percent of those believed to be in a vegetative state or a low-level minimally conscious state . . . can actually follow commands during functional MRI or EEG tests"

PYxDG TIL in 1957 Tulsa Oklahoma buried a Plymouth Belvedere to commemorate Oklahoma’s 50th anniversary. In addition, citizens entered guesses as to what Tulsa’s population would be in 2007, closets person would win the car. When the vault was opened it was filled with water and the car was ruined.
LGPr TIL Four Members of the UK Parliament created a rock band in 2004. ‘MP4’, billed as “The World’s Only Parliamentary Rock Band”, have been playing together ever since.
6EQYX TIL When President Harry S. Truman visited Disneyland in 1957, he refused to come aboard the popular Dumbo attraction. Truman, a Democrat, didn’t want to be seen riding in the symbol of the Republican Party.
x6bWw TIL : Operation Legacy : A British Colonial Office (later Foreign Office) programme to destroy or hide files that would implicate the British Empire in wrongdoing, as to prevent them from being used by their ex-colonies. It ran till 70s
P1eVG TIL: An English pickle manufacturer and convert to Islam accepted an offer to become the king of the short-lived state of Islamestan in Central Asia, but before his camel train arrived at his new capital, Kashgar, the country had descended into chaos; the Soviets then reestablished Chinese control.