› added 5 years ago


TIL a British parrot went missing and turned up four years later in California, minus an accent and speaking Spanish. Instead of taking his pet back, the original owner let the adopted family keep it.

ANgYx TIL of the practice of Muerto Parado. After you're dead they embalm, dress and pose you doing the thing you enjoyed when you were alive. This gentlemen was posed playing video games surrounded by snacks, which he loved doing in life.
pXab TIL in 2014 a Korean Air flight had to return to the gate because the vice chairman was served nuts in a plastic bag as opposed to served on a plate. She struck the cabin crew chief with a tablet on his knuckles repeatedly and then fired him immediately in what’s known as The Nut Rage Incident.
meop TIL that the current US Postmaster General started out as a letter carrier 30 years ago, gradually working her way up to the 2nd highest-paid job in the US government
R7Vo6 TIL that a few weeks before the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, US scientists performed a safety test on the EBR-II reactor by disabling cooling pumps and automatic protection systems at full thermal power. The core passively cooled itself as designed without human intervention or damage.
LkdWQ TIL about "naumachia", the Ancient Roman practice of filling a specialised coliseum/amphitheatre basin full of water and forcing convicts and PoWs to fight to the death in staged naval battles, complete with fully armed warships, for the Caesar's entertainment