› added 4 years ago


TIL that Apple made a console back in 1996 called the "Pippin" (a play on words imo - pippin is a type of apple) in co-operation with Bandai. Needless to say, only 42,000 were ever sold, mostly due to its price of $599, and was discontinued after only 1 year when good ol' Steve Jobs returned.

nR1G TIL that the character who sings the famous opera song “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General” was said to be modeled on the real-life Sir Garnet Wolseley. Rather than being offended by the caricature, Wolseley would sing the song to amuse his friends.
DldD TIL when United Airlines baggage handlers broke a musician’s valued guitar and then spent a year refusing to pay for repairs, he wrote a song called “United Breaks Guitars” that got over 16 million hits on YouTube, caused United stock to sink 10%, and finally forced them to pay $3,000 compensation.
ZbyD TIL When fat people watch videos with fat stigma they are more likely to over-consume calories as a result
XEjb8 TIL in order not to pay gas guzzler taxes for its US-made fleet, Ford made the Crown Victoria in Canada, so that it would count towards the imported fleet, where its low MPG rating was balanced out by the fuel-efficient Festiva.
jN0EM TIL Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov was given an open casket despite having a mutilated body and the Soviet government only being able to recover a chipped heal bone because it was his last wish and a way to send a message to the government officials who had forced his flight in a dangerous craft.