› added 2 years ago


TIL Whenever a new Podestà was elected in 16th century Treviso Italy, the Fontana Delle Tette had red wine flowing from one of the woman’s breasts while white wine poured from the other. The torrent of free tipples lasted for three days and was free for all citizens

mLpY TIL of Iqbal Masih (1983-1995), a Pakistani child who, at age four, was sold into bondage by his family, escaped after years of hardship and helped thousands of children flee bondage labor through his internatioal activism. He was assasinated at age 12.
l5LN TIL that the face for the female CPR mannequin “Rescue Anne” was created in in 1958 from the facial mold of a young woman fished from the Seine River in the 1880’s
mpKO TIL when developing N64s Goldeneye, Rare developers used a modified Sega Saturn controller for early playtesting & originally intended for weapon-reloading to be by unplugging/reinserting the N64 controller rumble pack. Each cartridge also contains a ZX Spectrum Emulator with 10 Rare-developed games
p4NA TIL that a study showed US Southerners aren’t actually the fattest Americans; when previous US weight surveys were scrutinized, which used self-reported over-the-phone data collection, it found the South had the smallest discrepancy between reported & actual weight. In other words, they lied less.
yrBM TIL nobody knows who built the Taj Mahal. The names of the architects, masons, and designers that have come down to us have all proved to be latter-day inventions, and there is no evidence to indicate who the real creators were.