› added 6 years ago


TIL that at the height of Pokémon Go, a number of players tried sneaking into a highly classified military explosives plant in Virginia because a Charizard was reportedly located inside the arsenal.

oRBGE TIL The Blue Angels, the U.S. Flight Navy Demonstration Squadron, formed in April 1946 as the Navy Flight Exhibition Team. They changed their name after seeing the New York nightclub, The Blue Angel. The team was first introduced as the Blue Angels during an air show in July 1946.
gMmb4 TIL that James Franco went back to college after filming Spider-Man 3. After taking 62 credits per quarter, he graduated from UCLA in 2 years; he then went on to attend Brooklyn College's, Columbia University's, and NYU's MFA programs. Afterwards he attended Yale to get his Ph.D in English.
Wk9dB TIL of the Woozle effect which occurs when frequent citation of publications that lack evidence misleads the public into thinking or believing there is evidence and nonfacts become urban myths and factoids. It is based upon an imaginary character from Winnie the Pooh.
9Yvr7 TIL of the worst crash in motor sports history at the 1955 Le Mans race. A car broke apart and flew into the stands, with its hood decapitating spectators like a guillotine. In the aftermath, varying reports claim 65-120 were killed. The link contains graphic content.
rQWy TIL handshakes were originally meant to make sure the person you were meeting wasn’t carrying a concealed weapon. Clasping hands proved it was empty, and shaking was meant to dislodge anything that was being hidden inside the sleeve.