› added 3 years ago


TIL a fighter jet landed itself, undamaged, in a field in Montana after the pilot ejected when the plane went into a flat spin during training. The plane righted itself and flew away on its own. A farmer found the plane sitting perfectly in a field hours later with the engines still running.

694PJ TIL in the Netherlands there is a small community of four people living in the middle of the Afsluitdijk, the large causeway/dam that separates the North Sea from Lake Ijssel.
kOEVd TIL about Semantic Satiation, where if you repeat a word or a phrase or listen to it for too long, it suddenly loses its meaning and doesn't make sense anymore.
e0j7D TIL Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery due to Alabama's Habitual Offender rule because he had prior non-violent convictions. His change dot org petition has 2.3 million signatures (including mine!)
GAnm4 TIL After seeing its pork production decimated by flu outbreaks, farms across China have been investing billions of dollars into massive high-rise hog-raising facilities popularly known as pig hotels, with one hotel in the Southern China being 13 stories tall and meant to hold around 10,000 pigs.
6AwY TIL in 2011 Texas abolished last-meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a large meal and didn’t eat any of it. His order included two chicken steaks, a triple- cheeseburger, a bowl of fried okra, a pound of barbecued meat, three fajitas, and a meat-lover’s pizza.