› added 8 years ago


TIL that after the French Revolution, the scientific community implemented along with the metric system, metric time, which failed miserably due to the fact that people did not want to deviate from a 7 day week to a 10 day week.

x6yd0 TIL Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt first suggested the name Super Bowl for the 1st AFL-NFL World Championship Game. The idea was inspired by a "Super Ball" toy from Wham-O, but commissioner Pete Rozelle thought it was too gimmicky. It wasn't officially named the Super Bowl until the 3rd edition of the game
OokD1 TIL The Apollo 10 crew tested the procedures for the Apollo 11 mission, including a descent in the Lunar Module. However, NASA reduced the amount of fuel in the lander to keep the two astronauts from being tempted to stray from their mission and steal the first moon landing.
GY844 TIL that unauthorized use of Smokey the Bear (mascot of the US Forest Service, “only you can prevent forest fires”) is a federal felony punishable by prison time.
JQlk TIL in the 1970s Intervision Song Contest, the Communist equivalent to Eurovision, viewers would vote by turning on lights at a given moment; power plants would measure the load to help determine the winner
rRQjx TIL that Luckner "Vampire" Cambronne - head of Haiti's murderous Tonton Macoutes, who killed 30000+ people, and sold corpses and (allegedly HIV-infected) blood to US institutions - emigrated to USA in 1972, and lived in Miami, comfortable and undisturbed, until 2006.