› added 11 years ago


TIL Tiririca, a Brazilian Clown, used slogans including “What does a federal congressman do? I really don’t know – but if you vote for me, I’ll tell ya” and “It can’t get any worse, vote Tiririca”. He became the second-most-voted congressman in Brazil’s history, with 1,348,295 votes.

Nym8 TIL that in 1985, a woman suspected of smuggling drugs was detained at LAX. After over 16 hours, she passed 88 balloons filled with cocaine.
j69ZN TIL of Stendhal Syndrome - a psychosomatic condition involving rapid heartbeat, fainting, confusion, and even hallucinations, allegedly occurring when individuals become exposed to objects, artworks, or phenomena of great beauty.
58j9 TIL Captain Richard Antrim was captured in 1942 & held as a POW. During this time, he impressed with his engineering skills & helped the Japanese arrange trenches. From the air, the trenches spelled out “US”, warning bombers not to attack and that it was a POW camp, saving hundreds of lives.
wLwAW TIL that ‘grape bricks’ (concentrated grape juice) were sold during Prohibition, which came with a warning not to mix the contents of the brick, yeast, water, and sugar in a pot and then seal such pot for seven days, or else “an illegal alcoholic beverage will result”
j4Lp TIL that in 2012, the founder of McAfee antivirus, John McAfee was asked if he personally uses McAfee anti-virus, he replied by saying “I take it off,” and that “It’s too annoying.”