› added 9 years ago


TIL Sylvester Stallone Spared with Earnie Shavers, speculated hardest puncher in boxing history, in preparation for Rocky3. Shavers refused to hit Stallone with anything but a reluctant jab. But Stallone persuaded Shavers to deliver an authentic punch, which was so powerful Stallone ran off puking.

9mrQ TIL that when Mansa Musa (richest person in history) went through Cairo, Medina and Mecca in order to perform pilgrimage, he distributed so much gold and gifts that it caused super inflation. Prices of goods skyrocketed so much that even after 12 years the markets still didnt fully recover.
R7Dn4 TIL that only 55 people finished the first New York City Marathon (held in 1970), yet more than 52,000 runners finished the 2018 New York City Marathon: an increase of more than 94,000%.
7brx TIL that after the French Revolution, the scientific community implemented along with the metric system, metric time, which failed miserably due to the fact that people did not want to deviate from a 7 day week to a 10 day week.
AN91B TIL in 590 the city of Rome was experiencing such a severe food shortage and refugee crisis, that Pope Gregory had the church operate as a relief organization. This included having goods from church-owned farmland being given away as alms and Gregory himself cooking meals to give to the needy.
aDOJ TIL Craig Bartlett, the creator of Hey Arnold!, said himself that he would make the final movie to officially end his series given that he is gets proof people will watch it. There is currently an online petition close to its goal of 15,000 signatures that could make the movie, reality.