› added 2 months ago


TIL the original Japanese horror film The Ring released at the exact same time as it's sequel, Spiral. The studio thought they'd earn more money this way, as The Ring was already based on a well known book. The Ring went on to be a massive success, while Spiral floundered and was quickly forgotten.

w8ME TIL On July 1, at the Battle of the Somme, a charge of 60,000 lbs. of explosives was detonated creating a crater that was 300 feet across and 90 feet deep. The explosion, which occurred in France, could be heard as far away as London and was the loudest man made sound in history at the time.
jWgn TIL Evolution doesn’t “plan” to improve an organism’s fitness to survive; it is simply a goalless process where random mutations can aid, hinder or have no effect on an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce
lomRA TIL: in 1963 Liberace suffered kidney failure from exposure to dry cleaning fluids used to clean his many elaborate costumes
M91K TIL that as a revolutionary, Josef Stalin was arrested and exiled to Siberia 6 times. He escaped the first 5. So for his 6th, he was sent to a hamlet just south of the Arctic Circle where he lived as a hunter gatherer alongside an arctic tribe for 2 years
yVPDJ TIL: A fatal plane crash occurred in 1994 due to the presence of children in the cockpit. The relief captains children accidentally disengaged autopilot whilst pretending to fly the plane, which was not noticed soon enough. Subsequent attempts at control failed, resulting in the death of 75 people