› added 1 year ago


TIL the War of the League of Cambrai (1508-1516) began as France & the Papal States v. Venice for two years, continued as Venice & the Papal States v. France for three years, then ended as France & Venice v. the Papal States for three years. By war's end, no side had gained or lost any territory.

kOAN4 TIL The Olympic flag's colors are always red, black, blue, green, and yellow rings on a field of white. This is because at least one of those colors appears on the flag of every nation on the planet.
9YQem TIL The Queen of England's last name is technically Mountbatten-Windsor, Although senior titled members of the royal family do not usually use a surname.
ADMZo TIL Since both creative people and schizophrenics have fewer D2 receptors in the striatum, researchers suggest that their brains do not filter out as much information as other people’s brains do. For creative people, this means they can come up with solutions and ideas that other people may not.
Z8lE4 TIL the silver-backed chevrotain is a tiny deer-like creature about the size of a small rabbit native to southern Vietnam. Feared nearly extinct, it was photographed for the first time in over 30 years in 2018, making it the first mammal rediscovered under the Global Wildlife Conversation program.
v1AwB TIL that NASA unofficially relabeled the size chart of a condom-like urination device used in spacesuits because astronauts refused to use size Small. "We changed the names to Large, Gigantic, and Humongous"