› added 2 years ago


TIL in the 1999 NBA Draft, Steve Francis was selected second by the Vancouver Grizzlies but refused to join them, citing "the distance from his Maryland home, taxes, endorsements, and God's will." He was eventually traded to the Houston Rockets and became a three-time NBA All-Star.

9wb8M TIL that the oldest edible honey was found in a tomb in the country of Georgia, in 2003 while excavating for an oil pipeline. Originally sealed in 3500BC, the honey is 5,500 years old and may also have had medicinal value. Georgia may also have housed the first winemakers.
PYaZV TIL scientists have successfully created a process to genetically modify pigs to produce human-transplantable organs. The method edits the genetics of pig DNA to prevent our bodies from rejecting their organs. It would end transplant lists overnight. Human trials are starting.
yVNBp TIL about Ortolan, a bird, caught and fattend after removing its eyes. The darkness confuses the bird’s rhythm, causing it to eat constantly. After that, ist is drowned in alcohol and cooked. To eat, the whole bird is put in the mouth and chewed. The eater puts a napkin over his head.
JYRnV TIL Researchers in Norway have published a psychological scale to measure Facebook addiction, the first of its kind worldwide.
kOoO5 TIL: Thích Quảng Đức, also known as, ‘The Burning Monk’, had his heart displayed in a glass case. His heart was thought to be holy after self immolation and 2 attempts to further cremate his remains were unsuccessful, leaving only his heart in tact.