› added 9 years ago


TIL that Joe Scarborough was publicly and on-air against then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plans to blow up the moon. Schwarzenegger had no such plans; Scarborough was reacting to a radio DJ doing an impression.

BrRYe TIL Nanocardboard is made out of an aluminum oxide film with a thickness of tens of nanometers. Its sandwich structure, similar to that of corrugated cardboard, makes it more than 10,000x as stiff as a solid plate of the same mass. Shining a light on a piece of nanocardboard allows it to levitate.
N6A1 TIL that when Joseph Stalin’s wife died he stated, “This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity.” He became so distraught during her burial that he threw himself into her open grave and had to be dragged out.
WkX9N TIL Charles Lindbergh was a noted Anti-Semite who was a spokesman for the America First committee and who resigned his commission from the Air Force after FDR spoke against him. After the Attack on Pearl Harbor, he tried to rejoin the Air Force but was banned per Roosevelt's orders.
lov6V TIL that a 9 year old Australian girl refused to stand for the national anthem because she feels it's disrespectful to indigenous population, and people are calling for her to be kicked out of school.
loPY7 TIL In Boston, 1777, during a shortage of coffee and sugar, a crowd of over 100 angry women marched to a wealthy merchant's warehouse, demanded the keys, and grabbed him by the neck when he refused. They opened the doors, loaded up carts with coffee, and left.