› added 9 years ago


TIL that in the early 1980s to prove his hypothesis that the bacterium H.pylori causes ulcer in the stomach, researcher Barry Marshall drank a petri dish containing cultured H.pylori. He received the 2005 Nobel Prize for this work.

pYd9O TIL Jimmy Carter holds multiple presidential records, including being the longest-living and longest-retired president in US history. He also became the first president to reach the age of 95 and to have lived 40 years after his inauguration.
GY4N4 TIL people who consume a hallucinogenic drug may experience a mental disorder called hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, in which they continue experiencing the visual hallucinations and distortions from the drug long after it has worn off. Researchers don't know why this occurs
nK4Y TIL more than 25 percent of gardeners over 35 years of age say they are using rain barrels and other similar collectors in each of the four regions of the U.S., while only 15 percent of millennial gardeners in each region use them.
wLPbJ TIL beloved WWII correspondent Ernie Pyle was responsible for military troops receiving higher pay when in combat. Pyle felt that ground troops were at equal risk as airmen and that 'flight pay' should extend to 'fight pay'. It became the Ernie Pyle bill.
XEB9Q TIL that putting a wire clothes hanger onto your head instinctively makes you turn your head for some reason. This phenomenon is known as the “hanger reflex”. Try it for yourself, it worked for me.