› added 9 years ago


TIL The reason Harry Truman was selected to be the Vice President under Roosevelt was because when he ran the Senate “Truman Committee”, it found so much corruption and waste, he saved the government $10-15 billion. Several times the cost of the entire $2 billion Manhattan project.

m1r5y TIL Stephen Hawking left behind £16.3 Million (around $20 Million) in his last will and testament, and £10 Thousand to his long-time personal assistant. Hawkings Archive and his personal office contents passed into public ownership using methods that saved his estate £4.2 Million of inheritance tax
0wZd5 TIL before killing Cecil the lion Walter Palmer was penalized $2938 for illegally killing a black bear in Wisconsin in 2006 and he tried to bribe his guides $20000 to cover it up
R7rJa TIL that in 2015, Prince voiced his dislike of record labels saying "Record contracts are just like — I'm gonna say the word – slavery." He concluded "I would tell any young artist ... don't sign." At the time he advocated seeing artists paid directly from streaming services, cutting out middlemen.
YpAmB TIL That Chinese 20 something superstar vlogger described as a “cute goddess” by China’s Global Times and is “worshipped” on the Douyu platform by her 100,000 followers, is not the glamorous young woman in the videos but actually a 58yr old using filters.
a7Ab TIL that in 2006 race driver Alex Roy drove NYC to LA in 31 hours and 4 minute. He planned the route to avoid traffic lights and and had friends in spotter planes watching for radar and speed traps.