› added 7 years ago


TIL English sailors on the HMS Dolphin in 1766 discovered that native women on islands would trade sex for iron, and began pulling nails out, causing loss of the ship’s structural integrity.

BrR5W TIL that “Duck, Duck, Gray Duck” originated from Scandinavia, and one version of the game that came from Sweden was called, “Anka, Anka, Grå Anka,” translating to “Duck, Duck, Gray Duck.” Minnesotans have been correct this whole time!
VvO4 TIL Stetson Kennedy inflitrated the KKK, learned their rituals and codewords,and provided these to the writers of the Superman program, which produced 16 episodes in which Superman fought the Klan, leading to a steep drop in recruitment.
BgXYr TIL Japan has become infested with North American raccoons after an anime based on the book Rascal aired in 1977 and caused thousands of raccoons to be imported as pets only to be released into the wild
Opwg TIL that Pepsi was one of the first to advertise directly to African-Americans, with advertisements in the 1940s portraying them as “self-confident middle-class citizens”, as well as the hiring of an all-black sales team to promote Pepsi around the country.
x6Ol7 TIL prairie dogs have their own language to communicate incredibly specific information like what color shirt a guys wearing or how fast an animal is approaching. They even have a cute jump-yip that looks like they’re throwing their hands in the air, celebrating when they’re safe from danger