› added 10 years ago


TIL French Queen Marie Antoinette had a fully functioning peasant village built on the grounds of Versailles. She loved strolling the village in simple shepherdess garb pretending to live a simple life milking cows or sheep, which were carefully maintained and cleaned by the servants.

OoEVL TIL The origin of Shark Fin Soup dish can be traced to the Emperor Taizu of the Northern Song. He established shark fin soup to showcase his power. With the decline of Elitism when the CCP came to power, economy reforms led to middle classes who showcased their wealth by buying Shark Fin Soup.
ADAXd TIL In 1984 scientists were stumped by a chunk of earth seemingly plucked out of the ground as though someone used a 'giant cookie cutter' and put down, right side up, 73 feet away. The chunk was mostly soil held together by roots and had the exact shape and thickness as the hole.
ravo TIL that despite having 70+ million viewers, Reddit is actually not profitable and in the RED. Massive server costs and lack of advertising are the main issues.
m10Ro TIL between 1400 & 1782, around 40k-60k people were killed on suspicion of practising witchcraft, primarily in Europe. Some witch hunts would last for years and some sources estimate 100,000 trials occurred. Some regions burnt the suspects at the stake, of whom roughly 80% were women, most above 40.
LQVb9 TIL: In 1962, a 10 year old found a radioactive capsule and took it home in his pocket and left it in a kitchen cabinet. He died 38 days later, his pregnant mom died 3 months after that, then his 2 year old sister a month later. The father survived, and only then did authorities found out why.