› added 9 years ago


TIL when Dustin Hoffman provided the voice of Mr. Bergstrom, Lisa’s substitute teacher on the Simpsons, he used the pseudonym Sam Etic in the closing credits (Semitic) since both he and the character are Jewish.

EgQM7 TIL that on 25 May 2003, a Boeing 727-223 airliner, was stolen at Quatro de Fevereiro Airport in Luanda, Luanda, Angola,prompting a worldwide search by law enforcement intelligence agencies in the United States. No trace of the aircraft has since been found.
lo8Jr TIL that the first person to die during a space mission was Vladimir Komarov in 1967. He knew the capsule was unsafe and that he would not be returning alive so he demanded an open casket funeral to send a message to the government officials who had caused his death
P9DG TIL of Nightingale floors which are designed to make a chirping sound when walked upon. The squeaking floors were used as a security device, assuring that none could sneak through corridors undetected. According to myth these floors were developed as a means of defense against ninjas
16MQr TIL that Coolio was actually in his early 30s when he recorded Gangsta's Paradise, and its iconic line "I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24? The way things is goin' I don't know"
X00Nk TIL HPV can affect men as well. The virus causes 95% of anal cancer, about 64% of oropharyngeal (tonsils, throat, base of tongue) cancers, and rarer cancers, such as penile cancers. There is currently no approved screening test for HPV in men.