› added 8 years ago


TIL that our pineal gland may be able to create, store, and release DMT after we die. Which could explain why people who are revived tell about a type of out of body experience(bright tunnel, encountering deceased family members/friends).

4keoa TIL that the UK has 5x more giant redwoods than California, mostly thanks to Victorians importing the seeds. 200 years later, the redwoods are beginning to dwarf native British trees, despite still being in their “sapling” stage.
mA8Y TIL Emanuel Bronner of “Dr. Bronner’s Soaps” was a German-born Jew who escaped the rise of Nazism. His last correspondence from his parents was a postcard that read “You were right. —Your loving father.” They died in the concentration camps.
9eZG TIL during the 1968 My Lai Massacre one helicopter pilot landed between the marauding American troops and innocent civilians and threatened to kill the Americans if they continued. He was later awarded America’s highest honor for bravery not directly involving combat
WkJwX TIL after Algeria won independence, it committed systematic genocide against Muslims supporting the French. 30,000 to 150,000 were murdered by lynch mobs. The French army disobeyed orders not to intervene and rescued some 90,000 Muslims to France. Algeria refuses to let them return to this day.
D1ZRg TIL: A group of participants received a mug and were told they owned it; a second group was only shown the mug. When asked how much they would be willing to sell the mugs for, their asking price was more than twice of the second group. The “endowment effect“; we overvalue what we feel we own.