› added 4 years ago


TIL the official titles of the Pope are: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God.

OoDge TIL In Tudor times, High class women would close themselves off for a period of time before they gave birth. This was called “lying in”. No men were allowed in their private rooms, only women, and all light was closed off apart from a small amount, as it was feared it would harm the mother’s eyes.
OoQ57 TIL humans use 100% of their brains and it's only a myth that we're using a smaller percent.
wYnW TIL in 2011 a member of Anonymous was kidnapped by the mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. He was released when Anonymous posted a video to youtube that threatened to expose photos and names of several people who collaborated with the cartel such as police officers and taxi drivers.
nr7 TIL a man proposed to his girlfriend by contacting a level-developer to make a Portal 2 custom level that led into a wedding chapel in which Ellen McLain (the voice of GLaDOS) popped the question.
p8vRp TIL that wolf packs might exist because ravens eat so much of their meat. When one wolf kills a moose, 47% is lost to the birds while a pack of six loses only 17%. “The team witnessed a single wolf killing a moose 11 times, which weakened the notion that wolves hunt in packs because of difficulty.”