› added 3 years ago


TIL Grammy-winning reggae artist Shaggy served in the United States Marine Corps from 1988-1991 and was deployed to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. He reached the rank of Lance Corporal, but was later demoted for returning to base late from a weekend trip to his music studio

xVJy7 TIL The last two remnants of the virus known to cause smallpox, which are kept in tightly controlled government laboratories in the United States and Russia. In 2013, cloned variola major (smallpox) DNA fragments were found in a South African laboratory.
J11ZB TIL that Boxer Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay) released an album of spoken word music titled “I am the greatest” in 1963. The album also features a cover of Stand by Me, sung by Ali. It was nominated for a Grammy award and has been identified as an early example of rap music.
m10pO TIL that, before it was known that birds migrated in the winter, it was a commonly accepted theory that birds dug holes and buried themselves in the ground during the cold months. In fact, Aristotle claimed he had found "swallows and kites [...] in holes in the ground".
9Y14X TIL: The USA long held the record for having the World's Tallest Chair --until 2014 when St. Florian, Austria's, great Lutz chair left much worldwide lesser giant furniture in the dust. XXXLutz and Holzleimbauwerk Wiehag GmbH worked together to build the epic seat that stands almost 100 feet tall.
woLxo TIL about the Horse, Sergeant Reckless. A Horse who served with the marines in Korea. She was able to haul ammunition by herself without a handler, would seek a bunker or lay down when under fire and received two purple hearts as well as other medals for her service in the Korean war.