› added 4 years ago


TIL: Top 40 singer and outspoken conservative, Anita Bryant, was in the middle of a press conference on “doing away with homosexuals” when a man hit her in the face with a banana cream pie on live TV. Bryant’s response, “Well, at least it was a fruit pie.”

KYDGa TIL: That fungi have a range of vital roles from helping plants draw water + nutrients from soil to medicines that can lower blood cholesterol or enable organ transplants. But they have a darker side: devastating trees, crops, other plants across the world and wiping out animals such as amphibians.
JY7kv TIL JFK's father Joseph Kennedy made much of his fortune through insider trading. FDR later made him chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. When asked why he appointed a crook, FDR replied, "set a thief to catch a thief." Kennedy proceeded to outlaw the practices that made him rich.
XELG8 TIL Pilot fish can form sort of symbiotic relationships with sharks to the point where if their shark is caught, the pilot fish will follow the boat that took it and become distressed when it can't find it or isn't near its "host" shark.
wZ61 TIL there has been more human casualties in the Mexican Narcotics wars than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
EGB0 TIL that Tsar Simeon II of Bulgaria, who ruled from 1943 to 1946 as a child, and was overthrown after the WWII, was later elected Prime Minister of Bulgaria in 2001. He is the only monarch to become the head of government through democratic elections in European history.