› added 4 years ago


TIL the gold medalist in the men's triathlon in the 2016 Olympics ran the 10k portion in around 31 minutes. This is the same as running a mile in around 5 minutes for six times. The 10k portion of triathlon takes place after a 1.5 km swim and 40 km cycle with no breaks in between.

p8RkA TIL The deepest part of our oceans, the region from below 6000 km to the very bottom of the deepest sea trench, is known as the Hadal zone, named after Hades, the underworld of Greek mythology. More people have been to the moon than have explored the Hadal deep.
jN7ba TIL Huaxi Village is the so-called richest village in China. Founded in 1961 by Wu Renbao, Huaxi touts itself as a model of Chinese communism. The citizens enjoy a high quality of life, most having well over $100,000 in their bank accounts, living in mansions, and driving expensive European cars.
AJrg TIL the longest surgery to date was a 96-hour marathon to remove a 300-lb ovarian cyst from a 600-lb woman. Simply hacking it out would have killed her, so the surgeon gradually drained fluid from the cyst over the course of 4 days, shrinking it to 100 lb. and allowing for a successful removal.
rRRLW TIL that the government of Brazil attempted to transform the country into a major manufacturer of computers in the 1980s. The import of foreign computers was banned so that people would have to use Brazilian models, which were of inferior quality since the government spent very little money on R&D.
0WB5 TIL : While filming Robocop (1987), producers, in lieu of paying a rental fee to owners of the Pittsburgh steel mill featured in the film, donated $10,000 to a local Pittsburgh food bank