› added 6 years ago


Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen and helium gas. So, trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on Earth. There's no outer crust to break your fall on Jupiter. Just an endless stretch of atmosphere.

The big question, then, is: Could you fall through one end of Jupiter and out the other? It turns out, you wouldn't even make it halfway.

mx5kO TIL: During WWII about 250,000 Filipinos were promised US Citizenship & Veteran Benefits for aiding the US in fighting Japan, then the US reneged its offer and only about 4000 got any benefits at all.
5YQEn TIL of allemansrätten in Sweden (lit. "the everyman's right"). It gives a person the right to access, walk, cycle, ride, ski, and camp on any land—with the exception of private gardens, the immediate vicinity of a dwelling house and land under cultivation.
j6rlv TIL of the Transfermium Wars, a controversy between US and Soviet scientists about the names of super-heavy elements. The final outcome was to name element 104 as "rutherfordium", element 105 as "dubnium" and element 106 as "seaborgium", which more closely matched the US than the Soviet proposals.
VMVVZ TIL that Khutulun, a Mongolian Noblewoman made a pact with her father that she would marry the man who beat her at Wrestling and that any man who lost was to give her 100 horses. She is reported to have gained over 10,000 horses from defeating her suitors.
lxP5 TIL A former Israeli nuclear technician revealed details of Israel’s nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986. He was subsequently lured to Italy by a Mossad agent, where he was drugged and abducted by Israeli intelligence agents.