› added 4 years ago


TIL that in 2015, Martin Scorsese directed a 16-minute short film called “The Audition” that served as an advertisement for a Chinese casino. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro, with a cameo appearance from Brad Pitt. The budget was $70 million.

a8kab TIL Weißwurstäquator" 'white sausage equator') is a humorous term describing the supposed cultural boundary separating Southern Germany from the northern parts, especially Bavaria from Central Germany.
yMwe TIL that after Congressman John Rankin refused to sit next to Adam Clayton Powell Jr. because of the colour of his skin, Powell found every opportunity possible to sit close to the Mississippi Congressman. On one occasion Powell followed him from seat to seat until Rankin had moved five times.
16QpX TIL that Iran used jamming of control signals and spoofing of GPS to capture an American drone in 2011. Iran have since reverse engineered the drone to construct their own.
Brnwx TIL: Thanks to a 1665 idea of King Charles II (and to river-meandering), there's a cut-off 5-mile lobe of Kentucky that's not connected to any of Kentucky; it's all surrounded by other states (Missouri & Tennessee). Fewer than 20 people live in this "bubble" of KY ("Bubbleland" AKA "Kentucky Bend").
v17R TIL In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the public display of the word “fuck” is protected under the 1st and 14th Amendments and cannot be made a criminal offense after a young man was arrested for wearing a jacket with “fuck the draft” on it.