› added 2 years ago


TIL in 1985, MTV ran a contest based on John Mellencamp's song Pink Houses, where they gave away a pink house. Unfortunately, the house was on a toxic waste dump in Indiana. Not wanting to poison his fans, they were forced to buy another house. Also included was a garage full of Hawaiian Punch.

0w0Pp TIL of the St. Francis Dam disaster of 1928. Located in Angeles National Forest, the reservoir held 12 billion gallons of water. The dam failed before midnight on March 12th. A 140 ft flood wave swept debris and bodies 54 miles to the pacific ocean. Second worst loss of life in California history.
Lkby9 TIL After president Harding died of a heart attack, VP Calvin Coolidge was visiting family with no electricity or telephone. He heard of Harding's death by messenger at 2:45 AM. He got dressed, prayed, and met with reporters downstairs and took oath next to a kerosene lamp. He then went back to bed.
rvle TIL: That the only woman ever in history to obtain a 10th degree black belt in Judo did so at the age of 97. She also continued teaching Judo 3x a week until she died at 99
V0WG TIL the Supreme Court ruled the patents of breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 by Myriad Genetics invalid. These patents previously allowed Myriad to control the price of diagnostic testing and limit any research on the breast cancer genes.
v64B TIL that the richest man in the world at the time, John Jacob Astor IV, was present on the Titanic when it sank in 1912. When his body was recovered, it was found to contain gold, diamonds and $2500 cash (nearly $61,000 in today’s money)