› added 4 years ago


TIL Philippine-based inventors have created a portable salt-powered lamp which gives 8 hrs of light per 1 cup of seawater & can also power cell phones. It uses science that's the basis of battery-making but with no flammable parts & works 8 hrs/day for 6 months with no parts replacement needed.

Q1Mp TIL that in 1993, A company called “Space advertising inc.” attempted to launch a giant billboard into low earth orbit. From earth the billboard would look almost as big as a full moon. After the project was canceled, a bill was introduced that banned any further space advertising.
5Y8PQ TIL of the Flamen Dialis, a roman high-priest. The person holding the title lived under strenuous rules: he was not allowed to touch/ride a horse, sleep three days outside his bed, appear at an empty table, touch iron, have a knot on his attire, swear an oath, touch or name a dog (and many more).
neWyr TIL that your US mailbox is the property of the US postal service; no one else is allowed to use it. FedEx exists because of a bike courier exception for "extremely urgent" mail. USPS has forced Equifax to pay a $30,000 fine for FedEx use that was not extremely urgent.
4XXx5 Taking a look at the disease in greenery
Y4Xd TIL that in order to prevent Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht from deleting or encrypting his hard drive during his arrest at a public library, agents pretended to be quarreling lovers to distract him, at which point a USB drive was inserted that cloned his hard drive