› added 6 years ago


TIL penguins are not heavy enough to set off landmines. Because of this there is a huge nature preserve on the Falkland islands, with 1 million penguins and 5 types of penguins.

x6bG0 TIL that the coco de mer, a palm tree species found in the Seychelles archipelago, was believed in legend to have sex on stormy nights, due to the male trees' catkins looking like penises and females' fruits looking like butts. The legend states those who see the trees screwing will go blind.
p8mO4 TIL Roughly 2% of the U.S. population, an estimated 620,000 men, died serving in the American Civil War. As a percentage of today's population the toll would have risen as high as 6 million. For every 3 soldiers killed in battle, 5 more died of disease.
LQoaZ TIL the first hedge fund was created in 1949 and earned 44% more than the best-competing equity funds leading to a huge influx of new hedge funds 1966
b9NQp TIL that in the away team dressing room at Chelsea FC's stadium, the coat-hangers are very high up to strain the players' limbs; the tactics board is at the back of the door, which is a fire exit and must stay open; and the mirrors give players the impression of being smaller than they actually are
PY7GO TIL in the movie The Princess Bride, when Count Rugen knocks Westly played by Cary Elwes on the head the tap came a little too hard and Elwes was knocked legitimately unconscious; he later awoke in the hospital. It's that take, with Elwes actually passing out, that appears in the film.