› added 4 years ago


TIL Qajartalik (Inuktitut for "where there is a kayak") is a petroglyph site located on Qikertaaluk Island, Nunavut, with over 150 carvings of faces in soapstone. It is believed to be the north most rock art site in North America

nanB TIL that in 1944, in effort to raise money for the war, The Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Yankees and New York Giants all played a Three way game against each other. The final score was Dodgers - 5, Yankees - 1 and Giants - 0. It also ended up raising $56.5 million dollars in war bonds.
e0Gyb TIL that Kim Pyong-il, Kim Jong-il's brother, was assigned as an ambassador for 40 years to ensure he couldn't influence North Korean politics: he was sent to Yugoslavia in 1979, then to Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Poland and the Czech Republic, and didn't return to his home country until 2019.
mx9Do TIL that the US stores apples in a process called Controlled Atmosphere. These are storage rooms that control the temperature, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and humidity levels to put apples in hibernation which “puts them in suspended animation”. This is why we can have apples that taste good year round.
rR6le TIL that a Belarusian television company associated with the government of Belarus, created a show featuring four nerdy scientists living next to an attractive waitress named The Theorists. When the actors found out their show was an unlicensed rip of The Big Bang Theory, they quit.
0dpmN TIL: One in four American cowboys were black